
Our Agricultural Pest Control Adviser can provide written pesticide recommendations.

Fruit Control
Olive tree fruit can be controlled by using a plant growth regulator. This service is done in mid- March through very early April.

Trees and Shrubs for Insect, Mites, Disease Control
Plant-Tek’s equipment is able to reach trees about 60 feet tall. We are able to treat large numbers of trees and shrubs in one day. We can treat trees/shrubs via foliar spray or soil injection/drench treatments. We can also deep root fertilize trees/shrubs.

Organic Pest Control
Plant-Tek can provide organic pest control when appropriate for pest issues

Rodent Control (Except Gopher Control)
Treatment for ground squirrels, rats, mice and voles in tamper resistant bait stations.

Weed Control (Pre and Post-emergent)
Plant-Tek provides weed control using a backpack sprayer, spray rig or boom sprayer.
We can kill weeds after they emerge or use a product to prevent weeds from growing. Our boom sprayer can treat acres in a few hours.